Like I stated before, it is preferable to have your rabbit live inside. In addition, it is also important for your rabbit to have some stretching space, so be sure to look for rabbit cages that compliment your rabbit's size. The picture below displays a plastic cage with a door that can serve as a ramp for your bunny. I have house broken my rabbits, if you plan on doing the same then having a ramp is pretty crucial for your pet. Again, you can get this plastic cage at any big or small pet store, ( Petco, PetSmart, etc.)

After you buy a cage you have to set up the rabbit's new home. First, place the cage in a place where the rabbit is against a wall, preferably in a corner where the rabbit feels safe and can see what's going on in the room. Second, I would suggest lining the bottom of your cage with either recycled paper mulch or newspaper, this is to protect your bunny's feet. Make sure you have a food bowl, hay tray, and a water bottle inside the cage. Set up your bunny first, and then we'll worry about the litter training a little later. When you're done, your cage should relatively look like this, notice that all three of the major components are there inside the cage.

Congratulations you've completed the first stage for making a home for your rabbit! Stay tuned for more information on what to feed, how to litter train, and "speak rabbit" to your bunny!